Refugee.Land Project Architecture

As a Refugee: Looking for a place to sleep for me and my group

As a Host: I offer shelter to a refugee or a group of refugees

As a Refugee:

  • I'm choosing a list of potential shelters fitting my needs

    • Cultural

    • Current tenant(s) information (gender, number, age)

    • Period of availability

    • Accessibility regarding medical conditions

    • Amenities

  • I interract with hosts of available shelters to ask questions

As a Host:

  • I reply to solicitations and I'm drafting an agreement between myself and a refugee or a refugee group.

As a Refugee:

  • I read the agreement and suggest changes to it, or accept it as is.

As a Host:

  • I accept to shelter a refugee or a refugee group

  • I provide

    • identification documents

    • phone number and email

    • my location or a meeting location

    • a letter of intention based on the agreement

  • I can print out documents and the agreement

As a Refugee

  • I provide my personal information

  • I can print out documents and the agreement

As a third party

  • I can vouch for a host or a refugee

  • I can help them use the application

  • I can take the role of a mediator for a given time period

  • I can add my information to the agreement

Last updated